Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Poor Little Fish- January 24, 2010

During my last day at home I encountered something so sad (and gross!) in my backyard. Apparently fish are all dying in the lake behind my house and no one knows why.

This first happened a couple weeks ago during a big freeze one night. Naturally people began speculating that they were frozen to death during the low temperatures Florida animals aren't used to living in. This weekend, however, the temperature was not freezing, or even very cold, so why are the fish still dying?

Do we live in front of a polluted lake? I hope not. The mystery of the dying fish still remains and my mom has even called over a science fair student to run some tests in the water. We'll have to wait and see what has been causing these fish deaths, but it's so sad to look out and see how many fish have lost their lives.

Do you have any ideas of what could be wiping out the fish population in my neighborhood?

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