Sunday, January 31, 2010

Girls Night Out- January 29, 2010

Friday night was a girls night out with some of my favorites!

To celebrate surviving our first full week of internship and catch up with each others' latest news, I went out with three of my best friends, Jaimie, Caitlyn, and Jayde. Jaimie and Caitlyn are both education majors like me and we are all graduating together this spring! My roomie Jayde also came, and I hope she wasn't too bombarded with school and teacher talk. (My other bff/roomie in Orlando is Lauren, but she had to work instead.)

To start the night we went out for dinner to chat and share stories. It's so fun to hear about the different students in our classes and hear the differences between all of our experiences. We then all went out to see the movie "When In Rome". I loved the movie and thought it was so funny. Seeing all of the beautiful sites in Rome definitely got me excited for my Europe trip this summer!

One of the highlights of my night was captured in my picture of the day. Our movie theatre recently started serving beer and wine and I've always wanted to try it because I think it's such a strange thing to have at a movie. Since we were in the mood for adventure, we ordered some beer and I was able to check this task off of my bucket list. It was definitely an experience to remember!

I love these girls! Every time we all hang out together, our time is filled with laughter and fun memories. It's so nice to have such good friends in college and I'm not looking forward to all of us going our separate ways next year. It's so hard to find time for all of us to get together, but it makes our times that much more special and memorable when we do!

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