Monday, April 19, 2010

Starbucks knows me!- April 19, 2010

The people at Starbucks know my name, mission accomplished!

I've always wanted to be someone that comes in to Starbucks and are greeted with a "Hello, Catie! Are you having the usual?" I don't know why, but that is truly a desire I've had for many years now. Unfortunately, my daily routes change, my drink of the day changes, and I usually don't even allow enough time to stop at Starbucks in the mornings.

Recently, however, this has changed. I've now narrowed my favorite drinks down to two, an iced vanilla latte or an iced caramel macchiato. I drive to the same place every morning, and I've started leaving the house at an earilier time. Thus, the people at Starbucks know my name!

This has been the year of getting my goals accomplished. Maybe my goals aren't as high as some peoples, but accomplishing small goals is something everyone should do. Don't set such high goals that aren't attainable because it just results in feeling unsuccessful or let down. Baby steps, people. I've found that life is much happier when you take time to appreciate the small things. And this definitely brought a smile to my face today.

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