Today I walked without shoes in support of the Toms Shoes campaign, "A Day Without Shoes".
I began my day wearing shoes since I had to at my internship, but right when I got home, I took them off and kept them off the rest of the day. I checked the mail barefoot, I went to get ice cream barefoot, and I got a movie from Publix barefoot. All of these making me walk through dirty parking lots. It was definitely an interesting experience and I could see people looking at me in disgust, but I decided to stick with it for the entire afternoon.
It definitely got me thinking about all of the people in the world who don't have shoes on their feet. Yes, it's nice to walk barefoot on the beach or through the grass, but not every day. There are so many diseases and problems that can occur from not wearing proper shoe wear. So today, I tried to make a small difference to a large problem. I ordered a pair of Toms shoes. For every pair of shoes bought, a pair is sent to a child who doesn't have enough money to buy shoes.
I had been considering buying some of these shoes for a while now, and today's slogan of "a day without shoes" helped me to finally buy some. No, they aren't super cheap shoes. But think of it as buying two pairs and giving one away, which truely is what you're doing. I feel like the cost of one pair of shoes is a sacrifice I could make to change someone's life, or at least bring a smile to their face.
There are so many different ways we can make a difference in the world. I'm trying to gradually get involved in helping our world and buying a pair of Toms shoes is a step in the right direction. Do you have any Toms shoes??
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