Thursday, February 25, 2010

ChaCha Guiding- February 25, 2010

Have a question? Text ChaCha!

Until I had an iphone, I always texted any questions I had to ChaCha, a computer-based answering service. I always assumed this was a computer automated service whenever I used it because the questions were always answered so promptly and accurately. Yesterday I learned that there are "ChaCha Guides" who answer the questions on their personal computers. I spend a lot of time on computers, why not make some extra cash while learning random trivia?

On Thursday afternoon, I watched the tutorial videos at "Search University", the training site for wannabe Guides. After completing the necessary videos and practice quizes, I took the examination to see if I could be a guide. And although I had to wait a couple days to get my results, I PASSED! So now I could be the one who is answering your questions when you text ChaCha. I've already gotten so many funny and weird questions. It's definitely a fun little side job to have if anyone is interested.

Text 242242 and keep doing the ChaCha!

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