Teaching dance calls for constant music usage.
Somehow my technological devices always seem to go into overload with my thousands of songs and constant usage.
My old ipod video, Benny, is almost at his end. He struggles to keep working every time I use him, but I can't make myself get rid of him because he is my first ipod and holds all of my songs rather than just some.
My iphone, Viva, is my love. Seriously I don't know what I would do without her. If I need to google something, watch a video, call someone, listen to music, mapquest somewhere, text, imdb someone, check the weather, or do anything...she is there for me. Iphones are definitely not overrated.
My newest apple addition is Pinky, my ipod nano. When Benny fails while I'm teaching dance, Pinky is right there to help him out. Also, Pinky inspires me to work out and even jog from time to time. Although it might be a rare occasion, I need something to get me through the workout.
Without my dear apple technologies, who knows where I would be. Benny, Viva, and Pinky- here's to you!
(Haha this is by far the weirdest blog I've ever written, but the stress that happens when all my technologies are failing right before going in to teach definitely stresses me out on many Tuesdays and Wednesdays.)